APQ winxp 运行出现no such file or directory和file

visual c++ - winsock2.h, no such file or directory - Stack Overflow
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I have this error while compiling my Visual C++ project in Visual Studio 2008 on XP. How to resolve this error :(
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'winsock2.h': No such file or directory
c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlbase.h
Your Windows SDK is not configure correctly. The easiest way to fix this is to install . (yes, you can install it on windows xp and develop for xp)
simply go to project->project properties
in additional dependencies add ws2_32.lib
linker ->command line add here ws2_32.lib
click start
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Try with sudo modprobe kvm-intel.
In order to have the module automatically loaded at the startup of the virtual machine, do the following:
Edit the corresponding file from the shell with sudo vim /etc/modules.confPossibly enter your username password.Press the key G to go to the end of the document and then
o to begin inserting.Write kvm-intel and press Enter, producing a new line.Press Esc to return to the Normal mode of vim. &--INSERT--& will disappear fromthe bottom.Save the file and exit vim by writing :wq.
You are done. Try to reboot and load the nested virtual machine.
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